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Crochet Glossary - 10 Stitches and Abbreviations to Know in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese

Writer's picture: IKKI by OphélieIKKI by Ophélie



If like me you are passionate about crochet, you may have already come across crochet patterns in other languages. And there, it's a disaster! In general, in English it's fine. Whatever the language, I find that it is possible to understand when you come across the full name of the stitches. On the other hand, it's a different story when you face abbreviations. The worst? You find all the translations except the ones you need! Yes, it's always like that.

That's why I decided to make a complete table of crochet abbreviations in several languages. I was tired of having to search on different pages. And especially struggling to find a specific stitch. You will therefore find the 10 basic stitches in Portuguese, Spanish and English with their correspondences in French. And above all you can download this English - Spanish - Portuguese - French crochet lexicon in pdf

Lexique crochet Français - Portugais / Tabela de tradução de Crochê



noeud coulant

no corrediço

maille en l'air - ml

correntinha - corr

chaînette - ch

correntinha - corr

maille coulée - mc

ponto baixissimo - p bxmo ; ponto enano - pe

maille serrée - ms

ponto baixo - pb

demi-bride - dmb

meio ponto - mp

bride - br

ponto alto - pa

double bride - dbr

pa duplo - pad

triple bride - tr br

pa triplo - pat

cercle magique - cm

anel magico

augmentation - aug

aumento - aum

diminution - dim

diminuçao - dim

Lexique crochet Français - Espagnol / Lista de Puntos a Crochet español

Lexique crochet Espagnol



noeud coulant

nudo corredizo

maille en l'air - ml

cadenata - cad

chaînette - ch

cadenata - cad

maille coulée - mc

punto raso / falso

maille serrée - ms

punto bajo -pb

demi-bride - dmb

punto medio alto - pma

bride - br

punto alto - pa

double bride - dbr

pa doble

triple bride - tr br

pa triple

cercle magique - cm

anillo magico - am

augmentation - aug

aumentar - aum

diminution - dim

disminuir - dism

Lexique crochet Espagnol Amérique du Sud



noeud coulant

nudo corredizo

maille en l'air - ml

cadena - cad

chaînette - ch

cadena - cad

maille coulée - mc

punto raso / falso

maille serrée - ms

medio punto - mp

demi-bride - dmb

media - vareta - mv

bride - br

vareta - var

double bride - dbr

var doble

triple bride - tr br

var triple

cercle magique - cm

anillo magico - am

augmentation - aug

aumentar - aum

diminution - dim

disminuir - dism

Lexique crochet Français - Anglais / Crochet terms translated

Regarding crochet patterns in English, I always came across American English. As you can see, between the two there is really enough to get your brushes (hooks?) tangled. The English double crochet is called "treble". While "treble" corresponds to the American double crochet. And "double crochet" corresponds to the single crochet for the UK version and double crochet for the US.

Again, I don't know if people now choose the American version by default, but I've only dealt with that one. But it's better to know that there are differences.

Lexique Français Anglais UK



noeud coulant

slip knot

maille en l'air - ml

chain - ch

chaînette - ch

chain - ch

maille coulée - mc

slip stitch - slst

maille serrée - ms

double crochet - dc

demi-bride - dmb

half treble - htr

bride - br

treble - tr

double bride - dbr

double treble - dtr

triple bride - tr br

triple treble - trip tr

cercle magique - cm

magic loop / magic ring

augmentation - aug

increase - inc

diminution - dim

decrease - dec

Lexique Français Anglais US



noeud coulant

slip knot

maille en l'air - ml

chain - ch

chaînette - ch

chain - ch

maille coulée - mc

slip stitch - slst

maille serrée - ms

single crochet - sc

demi-bride - dmb

half double crochet - idc

bride - br

double crochet - dc

double bride - dbr

treble - tr

triple bride - tr br

double treble - dtr

cercle magique - cm

magic loop / magic ring

augmentation - aug

increase - inc

diminution - dim

decrease - dec

Multilingual crochet lexicon with abbreviations

For more clarity and practicality, I offer you a table in pdf format to download. You will find the names and abbreviations in the 4 languages. As well as the subtleties in English UK vs US and Spanish vs South American Spanish.

Here is a preview. I invite you to download the table which is in A4 format. It will be of better quality.

tableau lexique crochet français anglais espagnol portugais
Lexique crochet multilingue


I hope this article and this table will help you! Especially by saving you precious time. Do not hesitate to tell me in the comments if there are any errors or if you know other names. I have collected and grouped information. It is not said that everything is correct!

Note that there are also differences in the nomenclature of hooks. For example, a 2.75 mm hook will be equivalent to a 12 hook for our British friends and a C hook for the Americans.



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